Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Striking a domain provider, Microsoft kills off a botnet

The story, "Striking a domain provider, Microsoft kills off a botnet," posted Tuesday, incorrectly spelled the name of Microsoft's Richard Boscovich on second and third reference. The story has been corrected on the wire and the fifth and seventh paragraphs now read:

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The idea of a highly disruptive botnet that Microsoft shut down in February 2010 quietly resurfacing under a different name didn't sit too well with Microsoft's digital crimes unit. "We wanted to take it out early enough so that number one, it wouldn't grow and propagate ... but also to make the point that when a threat is down, it's going to stay down," Boscovich said. "I think we made that point pretty effectively in this particular operation."


"For some time now, this particular domain has had multiple issues with it in addition to Kelihos," Boscovich said. "We ultimately decided to name him as a defendant in light of some previous incidents that he's had."

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